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based on Karel Čapek

Duration: 45'
Karel Čapek's story - extremely actual these days - presents the destiny of a young man whose father - a redoubtable bandit - raises him in a monastery. The sensitive child, with a select education promises to his father, on his deathbed that he carries on the family tradition and will become a bandit. The attempt proves to be difficult for Vagabondo, the naïve hero. Instead of being the plunderer, he is the plundered one, and not only once. But what does it actually mean to be a bandit in everyday life? In the show created by the couple Peter Pashov and Zheni Pashova the puppets, the actors and the spectators are searching together for the answer to this question.

Henrik Ibsen
Peer Gynt

The Hero in Ibsen's Peer Gynt is restless. He is searching for his own opportunities, he is eager to know more, but mortal, he is searching for answers to fundamental questions. Ibsen's poetic/philosophical world is transposed in a complex theatric language, in which dance, music and dialogue are melted. The story, at the limit of dream and reality, promises an unusual theatric experience, by means of harmony between the expressive images, sounds and acting.

Vinnai András

Shivak Shurman wants to have a child. He has read carefully specialty literature on this topic: Nine Months from a Man's Perspective, Fathers' Bible and other informative publications. He has a girlfriend too who is just right for this great purpose. Shivak Shurman is thus ready to raise a child. The flat only needs redecorating for the newly come. In this respect he should be helped by the furniture and house accessories shop - Furnitur. But exactly in this respect he won't be helped. But the shop guarantees that all its customers will find out for instance how many things can be done with an industrial vacuum cleaner. All these with a lot of music, dance and hysteria...


Thomas Bernhard
Immanuel Kant

Duration: 2h
 „Everything is a caricature" - says Bernhards' Kant. A Kant threatened by blindness, sailing to the United States of America, a country to which he will give his science in exchange for an operation to regain his sight. We are on an ocean liner populated by passengers who embody various aspects of mediocrity and banality; grotesque, sometimes comical figures who, during the „trip", seem to be affected by the same incurable and painful existential condition. Two ages, one ship of fools. A theatre of untruth.


Németh Ákos

based on the works of Woody Allen
Side Effects

Duration: 1h 20'
 "God is silent. Now if only man would shut up."

"The one characteristic of "reality" is that it lacks essence. That is not to say it has no essence, but merely lacks it."

 "If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative."

When you say the name Woody Allen you immediately have in mind the image of the neurotic intellectual, of the New Yorker who wears glasses and spends most of his time with the psychologist rather than with his partner, his parents or at his workplace. Those who look behind the character remember, first of all the director of successful films such as Annie Hall, Hannah and her Sisters, Take the Money and Run! and many others. But Allen is not only a first class screenplay writer, a unique director and actor, but also a playwright and the author of four volumes of short stories which imposed him on the literary market. In his novellas we discover some of the elements present in his films: discreet intellectual humor, punch lines - sometimes brutally absurd, a life philosophy that sees everything through the twisted mirror of satire. But are they valid today, are we still impressed by these novellas which concentrate the essence of Allen's artistic universe?

Zián & Kopik

Duration: 45'
Zián and Kopik are two child- and environment-friendly gnomes. Apart from being great mates, they have a joint business: they are the best selectors, doing their job like real professionals. They take care of everything, especially of their environment. No one knows more about the right place for metal, plastic and paper waste. They perform their duty cheerfully and responsibly, always having time to marvel the world around them. Their appetite to play and experiment is endless, happily sharing their knowledge with both children as well as adults. Their gnome-language is understandable for everybody. They have no secrets, except...

Andres Mariano Ortega - Erős Ervin - Kiss Csaba - Gyarmati Kata
Dangerous Liaisons

Duration: 2h 15' incl. interval

William Shakespeare
As You Like It

Duration: 3h 30' incl. interval
City or forest? To leave or to stay? Integration or retreat? To assume or to disguise? Idealism or truth? Romanticism or reality? Devotion or compromise? To live or to dodge life? And what about love? The characters of the play retire far from the world and create an artificial Paradise, in which all of them try to make the best decision. But can decisions be made far from the world?

The songs played on stage:
Balaton - Elmúlik (Tudom, hogy tudod), lyrics: Kozma György
Sziámi - Száz bolha, lyrics: Müller Péter Sziámi
Balaton - Kész az egész, lyrics: Víg Mihály
Európa Kiadó - Romolj meg!, lyrics: Menyhárt Jenő


Spiró György

Duration: 1h 30'

"The text is a gem of the contemporary Hungarian drama, with beautifully depicted scenes from everyday life and thoroughly portrayed characters, whose representation requires a disciplined and complex scenic presence. One needs a hard inner force to examine his life, and Spiró is a master in its representation. "- says Gyarmati Kata.

"Spiró György is brilliant in portraying small people. The two protagonists vegetate at subsistence level, but suddenly their luck smiles: they hit the lottery jackpot. How do they react, how does their mentality change? We explore these rules of conduct. A person, facing unexpected change, gets scared, he tries tries to understand what happened. The heroes of the play start to analyze every moment spent together. The way they will with the situation, or rather with their own problems, it's a secret. " - says the director.


Gálovits Zoltán - Vass Richárd

Duration: 50'
One-man show with Vass Richárd.
Adult puppet-show.

Woodhead wakes up next to a pile of wood and refuses to acknowledge the passing of time. He's left with nothing but the isolation, temptation, and cries in the wilderness. Woodhead can't remain passive, although he has only one responsibility: to wait for the miracle. Waiting and waiting since ancient times. We would think that nothing happens, but in our passivity and during our constant waiting something always comes up over which we can trip, into which we can kick, in which can get tangled. There is always something that makes the desert, the wilderness and the solitude bearable. We don't know for how long he has been waiting. He slowly gives up, but not before telling a joke or reciting a final poem. However pigheaded, he is lovable, at the same time predictable and unpredictable, naive and intelligent, innocent and guilty; he talks and talks, sometimes incoherently, sometimes clearly, sometimes too much, sometimes too little. A final long monologue, which we don't know if it's heard or not. A puppet is talking. This is the miracle itself. But he remains a puppet that is carried by the waves of this already written story. Woodhead: pigheaded and nothing more, but in this case this is all that he can be.


A. P. Chekhov
The Cherry Orchard

Duration: 2h 30' incl. interval

Our withering memories plunge slowly in the muddy and insecure soil of our existence. Is it that illusionary nostalgia or real feelings awake within ourselves real affection? Each of us owns a Cherry Orchard and we try in vain to clear cut it. The Cherry Orchard is a metaphor. It is the metaphor of the indestructible that clings to us with a demonic power. And everything that is indestructible is ageless. The Cherry Orchard is hidden, as well as its owner, Ranevsky, behind an atemporal mask. Both are eternal, so they cannot be destroyed. Their power lies within their spirit. They defy time, create a bridge that links the past and the future and suggest that life is probably just one long expanded moment.


Herman Melville
Moby Dick

Duration: 1h

Gianina Cărbunariu

Duration: 1h 20'
One-woman show with Borbély B. Emília.

mady-baby is a controversial and troubling show about three young persons who leave Romania for a country which is "cooler". The characters come from different social backgrounds, they have different goals and they leave their country for the Promised Land: Ireland. Without searching one another, their meeting is somehow unavoidable and crucial for the fate they choose for themselves. The three destinies intermingle and Mady, the main character, becomes the tool and then the victim of the two men. The show focuses on the girl's figure, her story is a revival one, based on such notions as good and sin, decay and redemption, egoism and sacrifice.

mady-baby is a show about how to build your own identity as an absorption of the other's identity, about the vitality which destroys and auto-destroys itself and about a humanity which is kept at the lower limit of being human.

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