Balázs Attila

Place and date of birth:
December 9, 1969, Szentkeresztbánya
"Szentgyörgyi István" Theatre Academy, Tg. Mureş, 1994
European cultural policy management, MA; Western University of Timişoara, Arts department, 2006
Parts played at the Csiky Gergely Hungarian State Theatre:
- Attila – Simona Semenič - Tomi Janežič: 1978, Director: Tomi Janežič (2023)
- Martin – Peca Ștefan: The Parallel City - Party in Elisabetin, Director: Ana Mărgineanu (2023)
- Arany János: Napnak húgával, ragyogó csillagval – Director: Balázs Attila (2022)
- Caravaggio – Visky András: Caravaggio, Director: Visky Andrej (2022)
- Martin – Peca Ștefan: The Parallel City: Fabric, Director: Ana Mărgineanu (2022)
- II. Endre – Katona József - Szabó Borbála: Bánk, Director: Markó Róbert (2021)
- Martin – Peca Ștefan: The Parallel City: Josefin, Director: Ana Mărgineanu (2021)
- Janne Teller: Nothing (2021) – Director: Balázs Attila
- Stavros - Andrzej Saramonowicz: Tesztoszteron (2020), Artistic Advisor: Kedves Emőke (2020)
- Character – Madách Imre: The Tragedy of Man (Az ember tragédiája), Director: Silviu Purcărete (2020)
- IV. Henrik - Luigi Pirandello: IV. Henrik, Director: Victor Ioan Frunză (2019)
- Character – [SÓ MASZK GÓ ON], Written and Directed by: Szász Enikő (2018)
- Bill - Patrick Ellsworth: Dancer in the Dark, Director: Kocsárdi Levente (2018)
- Character – EXIT, Director: Schilling Árpád (2017)
- Character – Shakespeare, Sonnet 66, Director: Kokan Mladenović (2017)
- Character – Márai Sándor: Peace in Ithakában, Director: Boris Liješević (2016)
- Character – Radu Afrim: The Life and Death of the Spectator Told in Shallow and Innocent Stories, Director: Radu Afrim (2016)
- George Berger - Gerome Ragni – James Rado – Galt MacDermot: Hair, Director: Puskás Zoltán (2015)
- Candy - John Steinbeck: Of Mice and Men, Director: László Sándor (2015)
- Character – Kokan Mladenović-Góli Kornélia: The Beggar's Opera, Director: Kokan Mladenović (2015)
- STAVROS – the groom's father - Andrzej Saramonowicz: Tesztoszteron, Artistic Coordinator: Kedves Emőke (2015)
- Character – Co-production with the Timișoara State German Theater: Moliendo Café, Director: Silviu Purcărete (2014)
- Character – Based on John Milton’s Paradise Lost: Heaven and Earth, Director: Döbrei Dénes, Varga Heni (2014)
- Deputy Mayor, cult leader - Hajdu Szabolcs: Békeidő, Written and Directed by: Hajdu Szabolcs using the actors' ideas and improvisations (2013)
- Father - Pintér Béla - Darvas Benedek: Parasztopera, Director: Szikszai Rémusz (2013)
- Arthur, the gorilla - Oleg and Vladimir Presnyakov: Before the Flood, Director: Szabó Máté (2012)
- Peer Gynt - Henrik Ibsen: Peer Gynt, Choreographer-Director: Horváth Csaba (2012)
- BANDI BÁCSI, gardener, later unemployed - Németh Ákos: Deviancia, Director: Németh Ákos (2011)
- Character – Funny Seasons, Director: the Ensemble (2011)
- JAQUES, nobleman in the exiled prince’s entourage - William Shakespeare: As You Like It, Director: Koltai M. Gábor (2010)
- Odysseus - Homer – Márai Sándor – Claudio Monteverdi: The Return of Odysseus, Director: Balázs Zoltán (2010)
- Guildenstern - Tom Stoppard: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, Director: Victor Ioan Frunză (2009)
- Fillér Lóri - Egressy Zoltán: June, Director: Victor Ioan Frunză (2009)
- Matyik Lajos, on the altar of public life - Tasnádi István: Titanic Water Review, Director: Galambos Péter (2008)
- Character – Funny Feast (2007)
- Balogh Kálmán/Provizor - Szép Ernő: Patika, Director: Patkó Éva m.v. (2007)
- Character – Karinthy Frigyes memorial show: This is how I write..., Director: Szász Enikő (2007)
- Koppány - Szörényi Levente - Bródy János: Stephen, the King, Director: Vas-Zoltán Iván (2007)
- aMMOSZ fJODOROVICS jAPKIN tYAPKIN, district judge - Zalán Tibor: Gogol: The Inspector or Gogol, the Inspector, Director: Szabó K. István (2007)
- Johannes - Nagy András: The Seducer's Diary, Director: Kövesdy István (2006)
- Don Juan - Christian Dietrich Grabbe: Don Juan & Faust, Director: Alexander Hausvater (2005)
- Kleisermann Mihály, ticket inspector - Parti Nagy Lajos: Ibusár, Director: Kövesdy István (2005)
- Count Szilágyi Antal - Maxim Gorkij-Csemer-Sicoe: The Gypsy Camp, Director: Beatrice Rancea (2004)
- Character – Matei Vişniec: The History of Communism for the Insane, Director: Victor Ioan Frunză (2003)
- Hamlet - William Shakespeare: Hamlet, Director: Victor Ioan Frunză (2003)
- Teacher - Eugéne Ionesco: The Lesson, Director: Victor Ioan Frunză (2001)
- Child - Raymond Cousse: Through the Eyes of a Child, Director: Victor Ioan Frunză (2000)
- Lorenzo de Medici - Alfred de Musset: Lorenzaccio, Director: Victor Ioan Frunză (1998)
- Csongor - Vörösmarty Mihály: Csongor és Tünde, Director: Merő Béla (1996)
- Chérubin page - Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais: The Marriage of Figaro, Director: Merő Béla (1996)
- Maro - Marin Držic: Dundo Maroje, Director: Kövesdy István (1995)
- Táltos Tücsök - Litvai Nelly - Carlo Collodi: Pinocchio, Director: Rusz Mónika (1995)
- Performer - Koczka György: In the Land of Smiles, Director: Rooth László (1994)
- Mosquito II. - Robin White: Soldiers, Director: Gáll Ernő (1994)
- Painter - Csukás István: Ágacska, Director: Miszlay István (1993)
- Artistic Advisor - Matei Vișniec: Kenyérrel a zsebben (2018)
- Lyrics – Sławomir Mrożek: Police, Director: Hernyák György (2012)
Collaboration with other theaters:
- Louis XVI – Paul Foster: Tom Paine, Director: Victor Ioan Frunză, 1993, Marosvásárhely National Theatre Hungarian Troupe
- Gyton – Petronius: Satyricon, Director: Victor Ioan Frunză, 1994, Marosvásárhely National Theatre Romanian Troupe
- Calyphas – Marlowe: Tamerlane the Great, Director: Victor Ioan Frunză, 1996, Bucharest National Theatre
- Mephisto – J. Variot: The Magician’s Comic Story of Faust, Director: Victor Ioan Frunză, 1994, '95, '96, Hordó Theatre Touring Company
- V. Henry – William Shakespeare: Falstaff, Director: Victor Ioan Frunză, 1996, Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
- Puck – William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Director: Árkosi Árpád, 1998, Satu Mare North Theatre
- Puck – William Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Director: Victor Ioan Frunză, 1999, Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
- Tom Paine – Paul Foster: Tom Paine, Director: Victor Ioan Frunză, 1999, Cluj-Napoca National Theatre
- Tiger Brown – Bertolt Brecht: The Beggar's Opera, Director: Victor Ioan Frunză, 2006, Timișoara State German Theatre
- Clint – Rebecca Gilman: Lisa and Clint, Director: Claudiu Goga, 2005, Timișoara Romanian National Theatre
- Jacques Roux – Peter Weiss: Marat/Sade, Director: Victor Ioan Frunză, 2006, New Theatre, Budapest
- Gedi, servant – Móricz Zsigmond: Judge Sári, Director: Hunyadi András | Marosvásárhely National Theatre, 1992
- Roger Gosselyn – Somerset Maugham: Theater, Director: Kovács Levente | Marosvásárhely National Theatre, 1990
Awards and Honors:
- Jury's prize (for the performace Tom Paine by Paul Foster) Young Actors' International Festival (Louis XVI., Sibiu, 1994)
- Jury's prize (for the performace Tom Paine by Paul Foster) at the Festival of Hungarian Theatres at Kisvárda (Kisvárda, 1994)
- Prize of the Hungarian Ministry of Culture (for the performace Tom Paine by Paul Foster) at the Festival of Hungarian Theatres at Kisvárda (Louis XVI., Kisvárda, 1994)
- UNITER Prize for the best performance among the Theatre Academies (1994)
- UNITER nomination for the best breakthrough actor, 1994
- The prize for professional activity, offered by the Criticai Lapok at the Critics' Award Gala
- Prize for Best Actor offered by the Soros Foundation at the Festival of Studio and Alternative Theatres in Gödöllő, 2000 (Raymond Cousse: Kid's Stuff)
- Scholarship of the Soros Foundation for professional activity in 2000
- Jászai Mari-prize - offered by the National Office of Cultural Heritage in 2002
- Best male actor - Festival of Hungarian Theatres at Kisvárda (The Professor, E. Ionesco: The Lesson, Kisvárda, 2002)
- Pro Cultura Timisiensis Prize, 2004
- Individual Artistic Prize (Parti Nagy Lajos: Ibusár, 2005, Kisvárda)
- Kovács György-prize, 2008
- Award for Best Performance of the Year 2009 given by the UNITER (Romanian Theatre Union) Tom Stoppard: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead
- The Award for Best Performance at the 5th Interethnic Theatre Festival, Arad 2010 (Tom Stoppard: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead)
The performances in which he acted recieved 18 national and international prizes.